1 Peter 3:3-4 " 3Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price."
Okay...so, in other words, beauty comes from the inside...it's from a meek (gentle) and quiet spirit...
Quiet: Zephaniah 3:17 "17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."
Beauty is calm...and a woman's spirit is able to beautiful and calm when she knows she is loved...God's love exemplifies love...meaning His love can quiet her like none other.
What covers our beauty? Fear.
1 Peter 3:6 "6Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement."
God will save us from our fears...He will love away our scars...He will cultivate our beauty.
Isaiah 30:15 "For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not."
Well, I think that's all I have to say...for now. ;)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
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1 comment:
I always find the way you incorporate scripture into your blog and make the wonderful connections to our lives that you do. The connections are always clear and insightful and leave me wanting to read more.
Beauty truly does reside internally, though many today search only for physical beauty. Physical beauty, however, is not lasting and can lead to very shallow and meaningless relationships.
You are beautiful, Takara. You have a kind and beautiful spirit and a kind heart. You appreciate all that God has given you and don't take any of that for granted. You also don't let people change you or try to tell you what is right or what you should think or do. You truly are beautiful. You may be fearful at times, but that still never manages to cover up your beauty.
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