Thursday, December 29, 2005

Who knew I could write so frequently about lust?

Today was a day of in preparation for the new year, perhaps? I don't know...On the surface, I began the process of cleaning out my room so that I could switch bedrooms with my sister. With any luck, I'll get this done before the new year. Then, I can throw out some old stuff and have a refreshed and clean bedroom. Yay!

On a deeper level, though, I've begun some more serious prayer and meditation...on a lot of my short comings and praying to God that He might give me the strength to follow Him and serve Him better. It's been a day of myself...and my God...and my boyfriend...and after I've slept, I'll further my apologies by apologizing to all of you...then, the title to this post will make more sense, but for now, I need sleep. My apologies.

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